Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Financing Scheme

While we envisage on being a leader in Capital Equipment Financing (CEF) business in Malaysia and the Centre of Excellence in CEF for OCBC Group, Pac Lease is committed to play a pro-active role in addressing Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) risks by integrating sustainability consideration into its financing policy framework to ensure sustainable growth and development in the long-term.
Our involvement in the financing of Solar PV project is in line with our aspiration to be a leading responsible and sustainable financier in Malaysia and to influence our customers and other players on ESG concerns, in line in our “Sustainable Financing Framework”.
我们的融资原则架构结合了可持续性原素以确保长期性增长得以持续。我们在太阳能融资项目的参与和我们想成为马来西亚首屈一指,有责任感和持续性的融资机构的抱负一致。我们也想透过该项目的参与来带动我们的客户及相关人士对有关环境,社会和监控课题上的关注。这和我们的可持续性融资架构相得益彰 。

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