One Small Step for a Better Environment
Currently, single-use plastic products are essential to our everyday lives especially in the current pandemic which has seen a significant increase of plastic use due to the need for us to pack our lunches-to-go. It will take hundreds to thousands of years for plastic to breakdown whereby the damage to the environment would be long lasting.
As we know, millions of fauna are killed by plastics every single year. This is especially heartbreaking when the affected animals include endangered species. “Most of the deaths to these animals are caused by entanglement or starvation such as being strangled by abandoned fishing gear and discarded six-pack rings.” – National Geographic (Parker, 2019)
In line with Pac Lease Berhad’s Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) values, the CSR committee has embarked on a journey of Reusing to build a better tomorrow! All staff are encouraged to practice Reusing so that we can reduce our carbon footprints. Reusing is better than recycling as it eliminates the need to produce new products thus reducing harm to our environment as there will be no need for raw materials.
Everyone was very happy to receive a reusable food container and water bottle. We hope that everyone will continue to practice #BYOT (Bring Your Own Tumbler / Tupperware) wherever you go!
“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”
– Chief Seattle (Native American)